Thursday, March 31, 2011

Home Made Trailer Registration Form,ontario


On Wednesday we went pretty well in the juries. Was greatly appreciated the effort and level reached. They agreed on the positive assessment of three guests: Mariano Bayon, Sol Madridejos and Juan Domingo Santos. Both Paula Mayor Victor Varela as well explained his proposals for Vitra. There was little time left us, and even less, but I put quick images of many of your proposals for EISA-BASEL order to see the level and variety of approaches. Then, in the criticism made of a school project for a student JARamos, left many comments coincide with what I have discussed so far. I hope you hear and think about it.

control As of Monday, tomároslo well seriously as we treat, throughout the week, giving our final overall impression of the solution planteais order to develop from now. It is therefore essential for the documentation we ask. In particular, (s) plant (s) represent a test of the viability of the solution or processing required to defend the idea .... and sometimes, if not both before, his little consistency or lack of attachment to the nature of the site or project. Continue to use the parallel blog for the same purpose. Still not too late to correct the course if they walk diverted but for Therefore, you ought to bring what we ask. Much encouragement and a hug to everyone. JMS


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